5 Creative Journaling Styles to Fit Your Personality and Life - JoJo Journals

5 Creative Journaling Styles to Fit Your Personality and Life

If you’re new to the journaling world, you’re going to quickly realize there’s not a one size fits all kind of solution. While penning your thoughts down in a diary or notebook may cover the broad definition of journaling, we’re not talking about your mother’s old diary here – it’s so much more than thatJournaling can be an outlet that allows you to express your creativity, get organized, increase your productivity and discover who and what you really want through self-reflection. Here are 5 creative styles to consider as you look to choose your very first journal.


1. Written Journaling: When you hear the word journaling, this may be the most common type of style you think of. This style of journaling can encompass everything from daily to-dos, grocery lists, and meal planning to a place where your biggest goals and innermost thoughts reside. A written journal is a place where you can kickstart your creativity in the early morning hours or simply clear your head at the end of a long, stressful day. If you want a place to inspire your creativity, keep your thoughts and daily life organized, a written journal is the perfect place to start.


2. Art/Scrapbook Journaling: Despite what it may seem, journaling doesn’t have to always be about writing words down on paper. Instead of having a text-based journal, get in your creative zone by keeping an art journal or sketchbook nearby. This visual style of journaling allows you to explore your thoughts and feelings through drawings, paintings, and sketches rather than a page full of words.  If drawing isn’t your thing, you can also use your journal as a scrapbook of sorts. You can capture important memories by using stickers, old photographs, movie stubs, concert tickets and so much more. If you’re more of a visual person, this style of journaling may be right up your alley.


3. Gratitude Journaling: If you’re looking to have a more positive outlook on life, gratitude journaling will be the perfect fit. This style of journaling is a simple way to bring the blessings in your life front and center where you have no choice but to notice them. Through the daily stress of life, it’s easy to let negativity seep in and make you forget all the good things in your life. Through gratitude journaling, you become much more focused and mindful of even the smallest blessings simply by writing them down and bringing them to life. This daily habit has been known to reduce stress, improve sleep and even build stronger relationships with those closest to you. With your newfound outlook and boost of optimism, you’ll be ready to take on whatever comes your way.


4. Digital Journaling: These days, you don’t even have to have a physical book in front of you to get the full benefit of journaling. The beauty of technology allows you to get all the benefits of the paper and pen experience, only in digital form. Digital journals are super easy to use and provide a great way to get into the daily habit of writing. Most apps come with automated reminders and built-inprompts to make writing (and remembering to write) a breeze. Digital journals like 750words.com, The Five-Minute Journal App and Dabble.me are a few places to start if you want to “dabble” in the art of online journaling.


5. Bullet Journaling: One of the most popular styles of journaling these days is the Bullet Journal. The Bullet Journal is a great way to streamline your life through a series of daily, logs, monthly logs and even future logs. You can incorporate goal setting, gratitude pages, brain dumps and even your weekly shopping list. The Bullet Journal helps you to be more mindful of the tasks you pencil in each day and can be used to prioritize what is truly important to you through self-reflection. This style of journaling is just as much about improving your mindset as it is about writing down your meal plan for the week. The only downside is it takes somewhat of a learning curve to get the hang of the system as a whole. However, stick with it and you will be amazed at how much the Bullet Journal can improve your mindset, your outlook and your life.


Over the years, journaling has evolved into so much more than just a pen and a notebook. With all the different styles available, you will have no trouble finding one that fits your needs, your personality and your lifestyle.



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