Crush Your Goals With Your Journal - JoJo Journals

Crush Your Goals With Your Journal

Crush Your Goals With Your Journal


Among the different ways to use a journal, creating ands ticking to your goals is one of the best options. When you keep your goals in your mind, it is hard to see the progress and keep up the motivation. But when you use your journal to write them out, you have more clarity of the tasks you need to get done, and the deadlines will keep you motivated.



Choose 2-3 of Your Biggest Goals


A common mistake people make is that they have too many goals on their mind, which takes the focus away to the most important tasks. Narrow down your goals to no more than 2-3, but 1 is preferred. It Is normal to have a long list of goals, but some of them might be in the future, or maybe some goals have to be completed first. This is why it helps to narrow them down.


What do you find MOST important right now? Where is your main focus? If your biggest long-term goal is to make 6 figures a year, maybe a smaller goal to focus on first is to start your own business in order to achieve that bigger goal.



Start With Just One Goal – Break it Down Into Tasks


Now pick the most important goal from your small list, and begin listing tasks you would need to do in order to accomplish that goal. For starting your own business, do you need a business plan? Are you going to work from home or hire employees? What kind of revenue stream do you need? List all the tasks you have to do for starting your business, from making the important decisions, to creating a website or applying for a business bank account.



Use Your Journal to Track Your Progress


Your journal comes in handy here, because you not only have a reference for your goal setting and tasks, but you can track your progress with it as well. Start writing down lists of tasks and check them off as they are completed, then have pages with other smaller goals toward that bigger goal that you will record as you get closer. This is wonderful motivation to keep crushing those goals.



Eliminate Goals No Longer Serving You


At a certain point, you might find that some goals are no longer aligning with your life. This is okay! Take the focus away from those, and find new goals that will serve you better. There is absolutely nothing wrong with making changes or shifting your focus to something else that is more pressing.




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