Do Not Neglect Your (Physical) Health - JoJo Journals

Do Not Neglect Your (Physical) Health

Do Not Neglect Your (Physical) Health

Journaling is inherently a sedentary activity. It is hard to write while you are walking, much less doing something like playing baseball! It also focuses inward, on your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. This is by necessity. Being as healthy as possible on the inside is a necessary prerequisite to living the life you desire.


Caring for yourself has many aspects, however, and just because you are focused on improving your inner health does not mean that you can or should neglect your physical health.


It is easy to do, especially in today’s world where many of us are so busy we have little time for anything “extra” and most of that time is going into your journaling and other self-development efforts. It is difficult to find enough time to sleep or eat right, much less anything else.


Do not panic if you think this article is going to try to talk you into joining a couch-to-5k program! This is just about maintaining your health, not turning you into an athlete. Most of the things you need to pay attention to are simple and are not going to require a lot of effort. Do them, and they will actually help your journaling efforts.


First, make sure that you are getting enough sleep. It is the bedrock of both physical and mental health. Not getting enough sleep will tank both of them faster than just about anything else. It is difficult to overemphasize how important sleep is to your health. If you can only do one thing for your health, prioritize getting enough sleep.


Next, try to cut back on your sugar consumption. You do not need to cut it out entirely, but cutting back will help your blood sugar stabilize and help you be in a better mood and feel better more of the time. Try to eat more vegetables and drink more water.


Finally, call your doctor and go in for a check-up. Get all of the tests and screenings you are due for (there are resources to help you get them for free if funds are an issue). Why? Because you matter and keeping you around matters. Most issues, from heart disease to cancer, can be dealt with if caught early enough. Wait until you know there is an issue, and it could be too late.


Treat yourself like you are important enough to take care of. Because you are.



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