Finding the Right Journal Writing Prompts - JoJo Journals

Finding the Right Journal Writing Prompts

Finding the Right Journal Writing Prompts


Whether you have been journaling for years, or are just getting started, there will come times when you run out of things to write about. This is where journal prompts come in handy. They not only give you ideas for topics, but help you really think about your memories, thoughts, favorite things, and so much more. Here are some tips for finding journaling prompts that are perfect for you.



Find Blogs About Journaling


This is probably the easiest way to find journaling prompts. Blogs that talk about journaling or using planners, as well as personal development blogs, all tend to offer some great prompts for journaling. Start by considering blogs you already follow, that occasionally offer prompts, either free or for a nominal fee. Then, you can start searching for blogs that offer this type of thing, so that you are notified every time there is something new. Blogs that offer prompts are often those that talk about journaling, personal improvement and self help, setting goals, lifestyle, and planning blogs.



Tips for Searching Online


Not sure how to start searching? Google to the rescue! Just type something like ‘journaling prompts’ or ‘journaling prompts for ______’ and you will get some great results. You might find results from other blogs, websites, Pinterest, Instagram, and many more places.



Pinterest is a Treasure Trove


Another option is to just look on Pinterest for certain types of journaling prompts. This is best when you don’t want to have to look through blogs, but have it right there with a pin you can save. This is a good idea if you want to save a large collection of prompts, andaren’t necessarily just going to use one list and print it out. You can create a journal prompts board on Pinterest, either private or public, then just save every pin related to prompts. Whenever you need a new writing idea, open up your board, and you have lots to choose from.



Know What You’re Looking for


Are you looking for specific prompts, such as for the holidays, a specific season, or a particular month? Those are available as well! You can search for these on Google, Pinterest, or other blogs. Most of them are separated into categories, such as January Prompts, Christmas Prompts, Prompts for Teens, or Prompts for Moms. There are an endless amount out there – so have fun with it!



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