Living Up To Your Potential - JoJo Journals

Living Up To Your Potential

Living Up To Your Potential


Everyone wants to live up to their potential. It is a universal human trait. Doing so is not easy for most of us, however, for many reasons, ranging from not knowing what we want to do and will be good at to not having the resources to do it.


It is also a hard thing to do because we are such complex creatures and have more potential to live up to than many other animals. A porcupine has no trouble living up to its potential. Neither does a grizzly bear or a dolphin. Any housecat would be offended at the mere suggestion that she was not the best cat she could be (or that ever was).


But humans? That is another story entirely. What even IS a human, anyway? And what is one supposed to do or be? How can you live up to your potential if you are not sure of the answers to these questions (and what self-reflective person is)?


Your journaling practice will help you answer these questions. It will also help you answer the others, including what you want to do with your life, and what you are good at. The latter may require some experimentation, but what else is life for? You have one life. Live it to the fullest.  


Journaling is one of the best tools you can use if you want to live up to your potential. It will help you figure out what that potential is, first and foremost, and then help support you while you work towards it, while at the same time helping you deal with the personal issues that try to hold you back and a fractious subconscious that is convinced following your dreams is a No Good Very Bad Idea.


You can use your journal throughout your life as you grow and change, develop new dreams, encounter new problems, and test the limits of your capabilities. Nothing else in the world will be as good at keeping you on track and helping you sort out your problems as a journal.


Your journal can go with you anywhere, from one apartment to another to a transcontinental move to the moon. Yes, astronauts journal. Most of them have both an official -public -journal that acts as a diary and an unofficial, private one.


If you want to live up to your potential and be the best you that you can be, you can do far worse than take up journaling. Go for it and see where it takes you.


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